Tuesday, September 6, 2011

OBU Blog About

This year Ouachita Baptist University is celebrating 125 years!  I was actually a little surprised that they have been around that many years.  Seems like a lifetime ago although I graduated in December, 1997....which was 14 years ago...but a lot has happened since then.  

OBU has asked those of us who blog to write about a given topic every Tuesday in September so today is my first OBU post.  

The topic for today is a favorite OBU memory....

I think one of my favorite OBU memories actually happened off-campus from OBU but with my small group of close friends that I met while at OBU.  My roommate, Jennifer, and I met at a spring "get to know OBU" kind of thing that they held for graduating seniors.  I'm sure it had a more technical name but I can't remember it now.  We were assigned to the same dorm room and became fast friends and we went requested each other as roommates and lived together until I married after my sophomore year.  She & I also became best of friends with a few other OBU girls....Jo Ellen Green Colvin, Shanda Fuller Lane & Holly Norton Smith.  We decided one weekend to go to this Bed & Breakfast type place for a fall weekend trip.  It was called Peace Valley and is very near to where I live now in Glenwood.  We had the best time...we attempted to sleep in these real teepees they had constructed on the grounds out in a pasture...till we got scared and came inside...we weren't a very brave group! LOL!  Then we stayed up half the night giggling, talking, taking pictures, just being girls and had the best time.  It was a wonderful weekend of bonding and "girl time!" 

That seems like a lifetime ago for sure.  Now we rarely see each other after having all moved off different directions & keep up via sporadic emails and of course...Facebook.  Holly is right now fighting for her life against cancer and we are all praying for her faithfully.  Please join me in prayer that she will get her miracle.  We have a God big enough to do that and He is already been showing his self in amazing ways through Holly & her husband Paul along with their 2 precious children.  

I often go through Arkadelphia and about once or twice a year I will make the loop through campus.  It is such a beautiful campus and has grown so much from the day I moved into Flippen-Perrin Hall. 

1 comment:

  1. That sounds like a fun B&B! I'm visiting from the BlogAbout and am loving reading everyone's memories. Even though most of you graduated long after I did!
