Monday, December 14, 2009
A Baby Changes Everything
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
I was thinking back about our Sunday School lesson on Sunday on being thankful. Research has shown that expressing our thankfulness by listing something you are thankful for every day improves your mood, your health, your mental well-being. So, I decided to improve my outlook my making my list because I know the Lord has blessed me in more ways than I can possibly list on a single blog!
-I am thankful first and foremost, for my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, whom without my relationship with Him, I would be nothing and have no Heaven to look forward to for me and those I love.
-I am thankful for my husband, Marty, who is there every day no matter what and I love him very much.
-I am thankful for my son, Carson, who makes me laugh every day and has a heart of gold.
-I am thankful for my daughter, Gracen, who I love spending time with and brings me so much joy.
-I am thankful for my mom, my best friend, who is there for me come what may.
-I am thankful for my dad and for his love and support all my life.
-I am thankful for my brother, Michael, who makes me laugh hysterically almost every time I see him.
-I am thankful for Tommy and Ronda for bringing joy to my parent's lives.
-I am thankful for extended family....many have become my best friends and family can't be replaced.
-I am thankful for my friends who have been supportive to me at every turn and I love spending time with.
-I am thankful for our health...we may have minor problems come our way, but compared to many in our lives right now we are so immensely blessed!
-I am thankful that Marty and I both have jobs, a nice home to live in, clothes in our closets, cars to drive and food on our table because that makes us more fortunate that many others.
-I am thankful for our church family...they are amazing in every way!
I know that I am leaving off a million other things I have to be thankful for, but these are just a few of the things I am thankful for today!
Saturday, November 14, 2009
"Jesus Will Meet You There"
Jesus Will Meet You There
When you think you've hit the bottom
And the bottom gives way
And you fall into a darkness
No words can explain
And you don't know how you make it out alive
Jesus will meet you there.
When the doctor says "i'm sorry
We don't know what else to do."
And you're looking at your family
Wondering how they'll make it through...
Whatever road this life takes you down
Jesus will meet you there.
He knows the way to wherever you are
He knows the way to the depths of your heart
He knows the way cuz he's already been
Where you're going
Jesus will meet you there.
When the jury says "guilty"
And the prison doors close
When the one you love says nothing
Just packs up and goes
When the sunlight comes and your world's still dark
Jesus will meet you there.
When you've failed again and all your
Second chances have been used
And the heavy weight of guilt and shame
Is crushing down on you...
And all you have is one last cry for help
Jesus will meet you there.
He knows the way to wherever you are
He knows the way to the depths of your heart
He knows the way cuz he's already been
Where you're going
When you realize the dreams you've had
For your child won't come true
When the phone rings in the middle
Of the night with tragic news...
Whatever valley you must walk through
Jesus will meet you there.
He will meet you there.
Jesus will meet you there...
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Mal's Home!!!
Also in the service, Tom Compton, our youth director, spoke about how Mal has impacted the youth and our church and though it was tough for him to do that as Mal's youth director...he did a great job! Another dear friend of ours, Brian Nivens, who coaches at Magnet Cove, spoke about how even kids at other schools have been impacted by Mal's testimony throughout this ordeal. He spoke from the heart and did a great job as well.
The youth group sang, Call on Jesus, which Mal loves and even though many are close friends of hers and were very emotional today they stepped up and did a great job and Mal really seemed to enjoy it. Jana then spoke and she sang "Jesus Bring the Rain" which is an awesome song and Mal had posted the words in her status one night. Jana is truly one of those people who can minister in music and has been such a blessing to me since she came to Caney!
We didn't leave much time for Bro Ro to preach but he did a great job of tying Mal's situation into his abbreviated sermon. He preached briefly on how we are supposed to be there to suffer when another member suffers and rejoice when another member rejoices. I know we do that at Caney..we brag when the bragging needs to be done and Caney has certainly stepped up and helped bear our burden since Mal's accident.
Here's the slideshow from this morning....
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
A Day of Contrasts
We had a good day though after the appt was over. We decided to make a day of it and went to the Park Plaza mall since we hadn't been in a while and look around. Justice is Gracen's new favorite store so we bought a few things in there, bought me some shoes I was needing, then had lunch and just browsed around for the afternoon. The guy in one of those booths lured us in and proceeded to curl Gracen's hair and sell us the iron he did it with..yeah we were suckers but he was from Israel and just too nice and Gracen loved it!
When we got home tonight we found out that a coaching friend of Marty's that is married to a girl from this area so lots in our area know them, lost their 10 year old daughter, Gracie, to complications from a seizure today. They lost their younger daughter about 6 years ago when she was 2 from the same thing. I had received a text about Gracie while I was shopping asking everyone to be praying for a miracle for her, and all day as I shopped with my Gracen it was in the back of my mind what they were going through today with their 10 yr old daughter and how very different our days were. I was having a wonderful day with my daughter and they were having the worst day of their lives...again.
Makes me want to hold my kids a little tighter and I am definitely so thankful for the blessed life we are living! Please say a prayer for this family now and in the days to come. They are going to need them.
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Fourth Grade

Monday, August 17, 2009
Phone Pictures
This is Mal last week when she had just had her hair washed that morning. Gracen took this picture so someone was in the way and she didn't realize it.

Carson at the Pizza Shack a month or so ago. He got a stick-on mustache in one of those machines for a quarter and it was hilarious looking!

Saturday, August 8, 2009
Mal and Kidz Kamp
On a different note, due to the accident with Mallory, I did not go to Kidz Kamp this year. I really missed going, but Gracen decided to go on without me and had a great time! I really missed her while she was gone! Sydney was there and she has came home to spend the weekend with us. She is doing well with all of this so far. I think Kidz Kamp was good for her. I will post some pictures of KK when I get them from Judy who went.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Please Pray for Mallory
Jeremiah 29:11 -" 'For I know the plans I have for you,' declares the LORD, 'plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Please pray with me!!

Monday, July 6, 2009
Cruisin' to Mexico
Thursday, June 18, 2009
League Champs 14-0
Tommy and the boys
Kameron and Taylor were the catchers. They are such good natured boys.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
A Couple Field Trips

Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Awana Awards
God bless,
Monday, May 4, 2009
Baseball & Softball busyness
Carson has been catching and pitching in his ballgames and he loves it. He is doing really well and having a blast! We were rained out tonight in the start of the 2nd inning. We were so far ahead already that they forfeited to us to keep from making the game up. They were a really young team.
Gracen has been pitching, too, and she likes it but puts a lot of pressure on herself. I get so nervous for her. She is doing really well especially considering she hasn't had much pitching coaching and fast pitch is so different, but of course she still walks some batters and she hates that!
Carson worked the concession stand with me tonight for a while and I could not believe how he could add up the money for the orders and make their change. I was blown away that he could do it. I am telling you that teenagers working registers can't count me back my change the way he was tonight.
On Thursday night, we had to talk to Carson about his tournament team and that he was not going to be allowed to play this last Sunday if the team ended up playing Sun. afternoon. He was questioning why and saying that certain friends went to church but they were still going and so I sat down and told him about being a witness for others and letting others see Jesus in you by making the choice to be at church. I told him that Marty's dad didn't let him practice or play on Wednesdays or Sundays and what did he play in! Did he think daddy turned out to be a good person...of course! Did his dad's decision for daddy not to play during church keep him from being a good ball player? He thought a minute and said, "Apparently not." It was so cute. He smiled and looked up and said, "Mom, are you through with your sermon?" I just about fell out laughing! When Marty got home I told him about our discussion and he talked with Carson a little more about God giving him his talent and athletic ability and He could take it away or not bless our family if we choose what we know is the wrong thing to do by not going to church because of a ballgame. Carson agreed that the right thing to do is go to church so he was good with all that we had discussed. It was so cute and though he may question it again later, I don't think it will be a problem. I think he really understood. Now, will he always like it, probably not but I know in his heart he believes the right thing to do is be in church not on the field.
Well, I could go on and on with stories because we've been so busy. I hope to have time to upload some pics from our Mid-America field trip we went to on Friday soon.
All for now!
God bless,
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Resurrection cookies

Carson and Gracen with their cousins, Cade and Karigan.
God bless,
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Eggs, Eggs, Eggs....
Saturday, March 28, 2009
A Hog Game, Bud Walton and a little shopping

It was a quick overnight trip but we had a great time. Did a little shopping before we came home...Hibbett's, Academy Sports..all the usual places Marty will go to! :) A great time was had by Marty always says! ;)
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Kids' Spring Break
Friday night both kids had a friend over..wild!! I should've taken some pictures but I forgot! Need to get better about that. Sunday night we had Cade and Karigan, the kids' cousins over to spend the night and then we swapped for last night and they stayed over there. Tonight after practice, Gracen is going to a sleepover at Swaha for her friend Lainey and then tomorrow our family is going up to spend the night in Fayetteville. We're going to watch the Razorbacks play baseball and stay at a hotel with an indoor pool!! The kids love the indoor pool of course! I'll definitely get pics while we're there and post when we get back.
God bless,
Saturday, March 14, 2009
New Shoes and Chic Fil A
God bless,
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Gracen's Crazy Singing Video
Okay so she is sideways b/c I used my regular camera to video and without thinking I turned it sideways...well, duhhh you can't do that when using as a video camera..oh well, you'll get the point. I promised her I would only post this on here and not email it. She was good with that! She's such a mess!!
God bless,
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Preteen craziness!!
Gracen has really taken on these new personality traits the last couple weeks. It's really funny because she is always so embarassed to sing, act silly or draw attention to herself around a group but lately she's been doing this funny singing voice..really loud and even in front of others. She did it playing washers to distract Marty while playing with her older cousin Kameron who she doesn't see a lot and Marty about fell out laughing!! Now she goes around the house doing it constantly. She's using all these funny voices around the house...just things that aren't typical of her...we're thinking it's the preteen craziness coming out in her?! I plan on getting her on video soon b/c as phases could be gone as quick as it started! I hate to see them grow up so fast, but I love seeing them develop such good personalities so far and love spending time with them. They are so much fun!!
God bless,
Friday, March 6, 2009
State Tournament
There was an indoor pool and last night the kids swam with some of the girls and had a blast! They played a game where the kids all made a line and the girl in the front had to swim backwards through all their legs...of course half the time everyone fell down and they all laughed hysterically! It was a great time watching them all. Jackie and I sat out by the pool and it is so funny seeing our kids play with these teenage girls who are so good with the kids and even though they lost they can relax and have a good time. Here are some pics I took...the lighting in there combined with my phone's camera wasn't the greatest but you'll get the idea. I also took some pictures of Gracen's spirit pants. Jacynda made Gracen these pants for her to wear like all the "big girls" have been wearing lately to the games. The front says Gracen and Sr. 2018 (Can't even believe she will be a Senior in 9 years!!!!!!!!!) and the back says I Love Coach Smith (of course! ;)) and Go Trojans! She was thrilled with the pants!!!