I read somewhere that kids are considered "preteens" from 8-12 years old. Yesterday I was talking to Gracen about how old she was getting and I was doing my usual kidding with her..you have to stop getting older, stop it right now, I don't want you to grow up so fast...she was doing her usual..oh mommmmaaaaa and she giggles! Well, we counted it up and realized that they were 9 years, 7 months yesterday. That means they are now closer to 10 years than 9 years. Sounds trivial maybe but when they turned 9 I was sad b/c it was the last single digit birthday. Now they are 5 months away from the BIG 10! I'm teary-eyed just thinking of it!
Gracen has really taken on these new personality traits the last couple weeks. It's really funny because she is always so embarassed to sing, act silly or draw attention to herself around a group but lately she's been doing this funny singing voice..really loud and even in front of others. She did it playing washers to distract Marty while playing with her older cousin Kameron who she doesn't see a lot and Marty about fell out laughing!! Now she goes around the house doing it constantly. She's using all these funny voices around the house...just things that aren't typical of her...we're thinking it's the preteen craziness coming out in her?! I plan on getting her on video soon b/c as phases go..it could be gone as quick as it started! I hate to see them grow up so fast, but I love seeing them develop such good personalities so far and love spending time with them. They are so much fun!!
God bless,
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