On Saturday night before Easter, I began what I hope to be an Easter tradition with my kids, making Resurrection Cookies. If you have never heard of them before, they are really a great activity to do with your kids. Now, granted our cookies did not quite turn out the way they are supposed to look but my kids understood the concept and it is the actual making with the scripture reading that is the most important part.

Here the kids are "unsealing" the oven door on Easter morning. We had "sealed the door" with tape just as the tomb of Jesus was sealed with the stone after he was crucified. I didn't get any pictures while we were making the cookies because I was too busy reading the scripture and adding the ingredients and didn't want to take away from that by taking pictures but we put in vinegar as we read about Jesus being given vinegar to drink when he was thirsty, beat the pecans into pieces as we read the scripture of Jesus being beaten and a couple others steps.

Here the kids are breaking open the cookies, which should be mounds like a tomb but I think we didn't whip them long enough with the mixer, and the cookies are hollow inside just like the tomb was empty on that Resurrection Morning. Our cookies were "airy" looking but not exactly hollow. My kids got the point though! It was really a great experience with the kids. Easter morning at church, Bro
Ro brought up something from the story we had talked about and immediately Carson elbowed me and said, "Mom, you told us about that last night!" He was grinning and my heart skipped a beat! :)

Carson and
Gracen at
MiMi's after church...they are so sweet when they aren't fighting! :)
Carson and Gracen with their cousins, Cade and Karigan.
God bless,
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