With all that has been going on in our lives...Brittany passing away on Friday night, Mal's surgery to strengthen her vertebrae on Monday, visiting with Tommy tonight and seeing the grief written all over his face...I just came home tonight really feeling sad. The last few months have been very long since Mal's accident and at the same time Brittany was moved to Houston and waiting on her transplant, but at the same time they have passed in the blink of an eye as life does the older I get.
I was thinking back about our Sunday School lesson on Sunday on being thankful. Research has shown that expressing our thankfulness by listing something you are thankful for every day improves your mood, your health, your mental well-being. So, I decided to improve my outlook my making my list because I know the Lord has blessed me in more ways than I can possibly list on a single blog!
-I am thankful first and foremost, for my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, whom without my relationship with Him, I would be nothing and have no Heaven to look forward to for me and those I love.
-I am thankful for my husband, Marty, who is there every day no matter what and I love him very much.
-I am thankful for my son, Carson, who makes me laugh every day and has a heart of gold.
-I am thankful for my daughter, Gracen, who I love spending time with and brings me so much joy.
-I am thankful for my mom, my best friend, who is there for me come what may.
-I am thankful for my dad and for his love and support all my life.
-I am thankful for my brother, Michael, who makes me laugh hysterically almost every time I see him.
-I am thankful for Tommy and Ronda for bringing joy to my parent's lives.
-I am thankful for extended family....many have become my best friends and family can't be replaced.
-I am thankful for my friends who have been supportive to me at every turn and I love spending time with.
-I am thankful for our health...we may have minor problems come our way, but compared to many in our lives right now we are so immensely blessed!
-I am thankful that Marty and I both have jobs, a nice home to live in, clothes in our closets, cars to drive and food on our table because that makes us more fortunate that many others.
-I am thankful for our church family...they are amazing in every way!
I know that I am leaving off a million other things I have to be thankful for, but these are just a few of the things I am thankful for today!
love it, although you made me cry :)
ReplyDeleteI know just what you mean! Last Sunday, Josh asked for those in the congregation that wanted to, to stand and tell something they are thankful for. As I stood and began to try and list them, the tears just wouldn't stop. We have sooo much to be thankful for. I read so many blogs and it seems like most are fighting terrible battles and I feel so fortunate.
ReplyDeleteI love this post! You remind me we have so much to be thankful for!