Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Weigh-In Wednesday Week 26

Wow, it's been a while since I have updated.  The last couple months have been a whirlwind.  We are in the thick of basketball at this point and added to practices and piano starts being a little autopilot and the things that aren't essential fall by the wayside.  Blogging would be one of those things.

So to update on where I am currently in my weight loss quest...

Friday, the 16th, will be 6 months since I started this journey.  I met with Kyle on June 16th for my first workout and in some ways that seems like just yesterday and in other ways it seems like it's been forever!  I am down 38 pounds and 33.75 inches as of today.  I've averaged a loss of 1.5 pounds per week and have 16 pounds to go to my goal weight.  I've lost 4 sizes and can wear another size smaller in some things already but mostly in between sizes...only a woman will understand that statement! LOL!  I'm the smallest I have been in many years and feel so much better...I can't even explain how much better actually.

More importantly than pounds lost and smaller sizes is that I feel like I am taking care of the body that God has given me.  I'm eating better, not overdoing it, and not turning to food for every little comfort in my life.  I'm actually astonished when I look back at myself 6 months ago and where I started from and I know I could not have done that on my own.  God has had my back every step of the way.  I feel like after a lot of prayer, reading Lysa TerKeurst's Made to Crave book and more prayer that I am more confident in myself which comes directly from Him.  He did not make me to be a weak person, controlled by my emotions and hiding behind food and my weight.  He created me for more than that.  Am I going to mess up as I continue to pursue a healthier lifestyle and maintain...absolutely...but I've learned that it isn't a domino effect.  One bad decision does not have to lead to another.

With Christmas just 11 days away I want to share one of my absolute favorite Christmas songs, "A Baby Changes Everything" by Faith Hill.  I hope the video link works.  We've had someone come into our lives lately who isn't a baby...whew couldn't handle that...but he has been a blessing to us and definitely changed a lot in our world.  God's plans for our lives are not always what we think and sometimes he does radical things and they turn out to be the biggest blessing.  I'll share more about that later.  So, here's the video...I hope. :-)

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Wednesday Weigh-In Week 20

Wow!  I can't believe it has been 20 weeks since I started this weight loss & fitness journey.  In some ways, it seems like I've been on track for a year and sometimes it seems like just yesterday.  I thought I posted for Week 19.  Matter of fact, I know I wrote it, but apparently I must've not published it somehow. Last week I lost 2 pounds...woohoo!  And now this week, I am down 1.8 pounds!  I am very, very pleased because I had been losing very, very slowly.

I am now down a total of 31.8 pounds.  The last 4 weeks, I have averaged 1.7 pounds per week and that is great for me.  I had been averaging about a pound a week with some of those weeks only losing 1/2 a pound.  I am super thrilled with an increase at this point instead of a decrease.  

One of the best things to come out of this weight loss besides feeling more confident about myself and just believing in myself again, is that I have so much energy.  It's amazing how much better I feel just in my day to day life.  I still don't get enough sleep so I am sleepy, but even when I'm tired and sleepy I still feel so much better physically.  This time of year last year, I would come home on a night off from games and was so tired and drained of all energy that I would do a lot of sitting and half the time I would fall asleep just trying to watch some tv and accomplish nothing with my evenings.  Now, I have to just make myself go to bed.  I don't have that weighed down feeling I've had for so long...both physically and mentally.  It's been great and has given me so much incentive to keep going and get to my target weight...and then maintain!

From Lysa TerKeurst in Made to Crave....

This journey will require you to make tough sacrifices, but look at it as embracing healthy choices rather than denying self.  

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Weigh-In Wednesday Week 18

Whew, this week last week has been crazy busy.  Basketball is back in full swing and after Sr. High Jamboree games all night Friday (which resulted in 2 wins for Marty's team), Trojan Fest Fundraiser all day Saturday (which raised almost 10,000 after expenses)  & church on Sunday (where we had someone saved woohoo!), by Monday I was not rested up for the new week.  We came home Sunday afternoon to try to get some things done before Monday morning and it's a good thing we did since we haven't been home since.  

Monday night we went to Blevins for a Jr. High Jamboree and Marty's boys won both games there and played very well.  We went to Emerson on Tuesday night and won both games, but that 2 hour drive each way was not fun! Kyle couldn't make it on Tuesday morning so we rescheduled for this morning and when I set my alarm for 5:30 am as I was getting in the bed at 12:35 am, I knew it was going to be a long day of school today....and I was right! After half a diet coke got in my normally non-caffeinated body, I am still shaking from the jolt! My body doesn't know what to do with caffeine! At least I was awake though.  

And no rest for the weary, we have plans tonight and Parent Teacher Conferences till 7 pm tomorrow night followed by 3 games at Kirby Friday night. I'm wondering when sleep and laundry figure into that?! I really need to do laundry...and dishes and dusting...oh well, plenty of time for that some other day.  

I'm already enjoying basketball season this year and we're only a week in.  Marty graduated a lot of seniors last year and has only one starter on the team that started last year, but he is very special to us and we just love him like he's one of ours so our family is looking forward to watching him play this season...and Marty to coaching him.  Maybe it will give Marty some practice for when he coaches Carson starting next year in jr high. 

After several weeks of losing 1/2 pound or maybe a pound, I lost 2.2 this week for a total of 27.4 pounds and 26 inches! I was thrilled with my results when I got on the scale this morning!!  I have set my goal for myself to be at my goal weight by basketball tnmt time so we'll see how that goes.  My weight tracker app on my phone tells me that is about 130 days from today and I want to lose 26.6 more pounds so I'm  finally over halfway to my goal of 54 pounds...only by .4 but over halfway now! :)

A good scripture from my devotional today to close this with...

He will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.
Matthew 25:45 (NIV)

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Weigh-In Wednesday Week 17

I am behind a week on my Weigh-In Wednesday.  Last week (week 16) I'm really not sure what happened but I didn't get to post.  I lost .5 pounds last week so I wasn't really pleased with that result but I've been losing slowly and consistently so I'm trying not to panic. My body just doesn't like to lose more than a couple pounds a week at most so I'm used to that by now.  I hear others that lose 4 and 5 pounds a week for multiple weeks and though I'm wishing that were me, it's just not the way my body works.  I'm doing the work so I know it will keep paying off even if it is slower than I would like. 

Also, that Saturday of week 16 I ran 8 miles!  Woot! It was actually easier than the 7 miles I ran the weekend before.  I was really dreading it so I was relieved that it went well.  The weather was perfect and though my body started really aching on about mile 6, I was able to finish strong.  I averaged a 12:05 minute mile and with those slow hills I actually ran the flatter parts faster than the 7 mile run plus I didn't pass out on the porch when I finished and worry the kids! LOL!

This last weekend we went to the Razorback game and spent the night in Fayetteville and we had a great time...but it wasn't good for my diet because I only lost .5 again this week. I will post some pics from the game as soon as I get time.  We had a blast and the game was great! 

  I did cheat and have a couple things I wouldn't normally eat while we were in Fayetteville and I missed my long run on Saturday so I didn't get all 6 days of my exercise in for the week either.  I've still been doing phase 1 of the South Beach Diet plus some fruit and yogurt (Kyle style as Sarah says). I have been able to consistently eat that way and not feel really deprived.  17 weeks is a long time with very few cheats so I'm proud of how I've done so far.   

Basketball season has begun as of last night.  We had the maroon and gray game last night and Friday night will play the AAA Benefit Games at Kirby and then a Jr High Jamboree on Monday night and then our first regular season game at Ouachita on Thursday and of course we also play on Friday.  We are hitting the ground running and that nice peaceful month of September we had is long gone now.  We always enjoy the first of the school year in the evenings because we get to be home almost every night.  We are still busy on the weekends and have a few things going but nothing like basketball and baseball season...which runs from now through July! We love it though!

It's going to be a big adjustment for me this year though now that I do early morning workouts.  I'm used to sleeping till 6:50 and then racing around to get to work.  Now that 5:30 alarm is going to be even harder when we've been out till late with a ballgame several nights a week.  I'm determined to keep it up though. 

I passed another milestone this week I've been looking forward to.  I am officially down 25.2 pounds!  Seems like it took forever to get from 20 to 25 pounds!  I've also lost 26.5 inches.  Woohoo!  I'm very pleased and though I'm in my 17th week, and feel like I should be further along, I am more determined than every to finish what I started and then keep it off.  

A good rewarding part of the week happened last Wednesday.  I had to take Gracen to her orthodontist appointment for her consult to get phase 2 of her braces started next week and I thought I was going to need some jeans for the Razorback game.  I was mistaken on that part because it was so hot I didn't wear them, but I bought a pair.  I had been to the store back in March when it was still cool and tried on a pair of this brand and fit of jeans and none of the size fit that I had been wearing so I refused to buy any at all and was in denial that I had outgrown that size. I know some of you can relate to that denial factor. It must have been the brand and not my behind that didn't fit! So, on Wednesday I with much anxiety went in to try on the same brand & fit of jeans that I had wanted before.  They are those "miss me" looking jeans though not the Miss Me brand with the decorated pockets and all that.  Well, much to my absolute delight...the size that was 3 sizes smaller than that pair that didn't fit in the spring...FIT! I was ecstatic and Gracen was with me and we grinned and celebrated together that they actually fit! 

I read a devo this week that really spoke to me about being afraid of failure.  Our pastor, Bro. Ralph Ruffin, sends out these daily devotionals and I saved this one from last week to share and to look back on when I'm having one of "those days." I often think of something I would like to do, whether it's a ministry opportunity, reaching out to someone, the entire subject of weight loss, or a myriad of other things in my life and often I end up not acting on them because I tell myself that I can't do it...I'm not capable enough, I'm not motivated enough, I'm not strong enough or smart enough....we women especially tend to do that to ourselves.  This really spoke to that issue in my life.  Maybe it will to you as well. 

"Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for Thou art with me; Thy rod and Thy staff they comfort me." Psalm 23:4

In Matthew 25, we read the parable of the talents. When the master who had distributed the talents came to see the stewardship of those talents, one man had taken his talent and hidden it in the ground.

You may have a buried talent, but you've been covered up by the sinister minister of fear, who keeps you from achieving your dreams. You say, "But what if I fail?" You can be so afraid of making a mistake that your entire life will be a mistake. The fear of failure keeps so many from competing that they never even get in the race. They just lose by default!

Sir Walter Scott was called a "dunce" by his teachers. Napoleon Bonaparte was next to last in his military class. Walt Disney was fired as a cartoonist because the newspaper said he couldn't draw! It's not bad to fail. We all will fail. But may God deliver you from the spirit of failure, which is a spirit of fear.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Weigh-In Wednesday Week 15..a little late

I'm late posting this week once again, but Wednesday's are just a very busy day.  By the time I get to sit down at the end of the day I am too tired for blogging.  

There have been some positives and some negatives this past week.  

My back is still a struggle, although I'm doing my stretches and trying to pay attention to NOT do the things that aggravate it, so hopefully it will keep improving. 

 A big positive is that I ran 7 miles on Saturday!! Woot woot!
  I should say I struggled through 7 miles on Saturday.  Wow, it was hard, I'm not going to pretend it wasn't. 
 I barely made it to my front door and collapsed on my front steps.  The kids came out because the dogs were barking at me and all I could say was...WATER!  
Gracen even gave me a lecture on how I should be taking my phone so I could call if I passed out...yeah, I looked that red and tired!  I ran 4 last night and worked out this morning by running a quick interval mile and then some weights on my own because Kyle was sick so our workout was cancelled.  I was already up and at the highway when I glanced and saw his text so I went back home and though I wanted to go back to bed...I worked out. I have a rest day tomorrow and then 8 miles on Saturday.  Can't say I'm looking forward to it but hopefully I will be able to finish it without collapsing!

I lost 1 pound this week for a total of 24.2 pounds.  I keep getting frustrated with these 1's the last few weeks, but when I measured this morning I had lost 3 1/4 inches this week so I was super excited about that!  I could tell this week that even clothes I wore the week before were quite a bit bigger so I thought I was losing inches even though the scale wasn't showing as much of a loss.  Just in the last couple weeks I have been able to tell a big difference in my muscles. Carson laughs at me for saying I have a muscle in my arm but now he's starting to get impressed I'm actually getting one for real. 

I've lost a total of 23 inches and 6.25 of that is off my waist! Yippee! 
 I finally passed another 10 pound .2 but below it! 
I was going to wait until 25 pounds to go buy new jeans but thankfully I'm going to have to soon.  I have nothing in my closet at this point that isn't baggy...such a good feeling...a lot better than that sugar IV I had going just 15 short weeks ago. 

Last night when I headed out to run I was in an aggravated mood.  You know it was one of those things that someone tells you about something happening and then you are so mad about it that you know you aren't going to calm down anytime soon?!  Marty and the kids were gone to put out deer corn so I laced up my tennis shoes, turned on my ipod and started running.  

At first, I thought of nothing but rehashing what I thought and felt and how mad I was and then "I'd Need a Savior" by Among the Thirsty came up on my playlist...and I told myself...stop griping and thinking...and listen.  

So I did.  
And I just kept running and listening....

"....I lift up my life 
Cause you're always the same 
And my offering
 To you I bring
Your name is Jesus
Your name is Jesus
You're the wonderful, counselor, my friend
Your what I hold on to
I know that you brought me through
all the days of loss to the cross
You knew
That I'd need a Savior. 

That is such an amazing song....amazing doesn't do it justice actually.  It's one of my absolute favorites. Praising  the Lord can take those worries and stresses and lift them right off my shoulders.

Over these last few weeks there have been so many losses in our community that do not make sense...
the tragic death of a 2 yr old little girl who reportedly died from abuse, 
21 yr old Chris Palmer who was a former Kirby student/player of Marty's was murdered a little over a week ago, 
and just Tuesday night the loss of a well-known Kirby man who was loved by so many in our community and was a beloved grandfather to his grandkids who attend Kirby as well.  
All were deaths that just don't make sense and leave many of us wondering why?  None of these families had time to prepare themselves for what was coming.

But isn't it comforting to know that Jesus is that Wonderful, Counselor, My Friend that we can hold on to when the world doesn't really make sense.  There's no one like Him.

O Lord, our Lord, How excellent is Your name in all the earth, Who have set your glory above the heavens!
Psalm 8:1

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Weigh In Wednesday Week 14

My back is better! Woohoo!  Chiropractor along with some stretches that the PT showed me and I'm feeling better.  Praise the Lord!

I've had a blah week otherwise though...that doesn't sound great following my woohoo does it?!
It's true though.  I've been super tired for some reason and that makes me really crave things I shouldn't eat.  Even more so this week than the last couple....and I thought those were hard.
  I think I definitely need to get in bed earlier but my schedule hasn't allowed that lately and with basketball just around the won't happen anytime in the next 9 months.  Mom and I have a booth at the Pike County Fair this week for our shop, Lulu's, so we've been even busier than normal and no time for cooking.  I have still managed to do pretty well eating out but I never feel as good about what I eat.  And I definitely had bites of things here and there that I shouldn't have.

I lost 1.2 pounds & 1 inch this week to make a total of 23.2 pounds and 20 inches total.  Honestly, I'm not real happy with 1.2 pounds and last week's 1 pound, so my goal for the next week is to really be diligent about what I am eating & getting all of my exercise on my own completed.  I have to do it in the mornings or it just doesn't get done and this week a couple of mornings already I hit snooze and planned to fit it in later...and it didn't happen so I have got to make sure I get it done early no matter how tired I am.  If I could just quit my job it sure would simplify things! LOL!  Since that's not happening, I will be getting super strict with myself.  I think since school started back that I'm less active & more tired which is not a good combination for weight loss.  Also, my body just likes the weight I'm at right now.  I was within a few pounds of this weight for many, many years, but I want to be smaller of course so that means fighting through my body wanting to stay where it is. 

I am 1 pound away from kissing another 10 pound mark goodbye and I can't wait!! 
 I am 30.8 pounds away from my goal so by crossing that 10 pound mark I will also be below 30 to go...which is so exciting to me!  Hopefully that will help keep me motivated.
I am supposed to run 7 miles on Saturday.
Hope I can cross all 3 of those off my list by next Wednesday. 

I ran 6 miles on Saturday and besides being pretty sore by Sunday afternoon...I felt great about it!  The weather was gorgeous and Saturday is looking pretty as well so I'm up for the challenge!

Read a status of a friend this week that I thought was a really good quote...

You don't need help because you are weak.  You need help because you have somewhere to go.  If you can get there on your own, you aren't going far enough.
Dan Rockwell

But He said, "The things which are impossible with men are possible with God."
Luke 18:27

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Weigh in Wednesday week 13

Well, it's been a long week with back pain, lots of Aleve & finally after a chiropractor visit today...hopefully I'm on the mend...but not sure yet.

I lost 1 pound today to make 22 pounds total. I was worried about weighing today because I didn't get to exercise Thurs to Sunday. Hoping tomorrow I'm even more improved!

All for now...I'm having to type this on my phone.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Weigh In Wednesday Week 12

This will be super short because I am super tired today.  I have not slept well this week at all and we worked out Mon, Tues & Wed this week and 3 days of 5:30 wake up added to not sleeping well has me..well, cranky! :)

So I did not weigh this morning because I feel that really a word....but anyway, I had mexican food last night and though I mostly stuck to what I should eat...mostly...I feel so puffy today.  Since I refused to weigh this morning and see I was up due to water weight, I am going with my weight on Sunday morning.  It's usually my lowest of the week anyway so hopefully that's true this week.

I lost 2 pounds this week & I'm great with that!  That puts me at -21 pounds!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I am so glad to see 20 pounds officially gone...and 21 is even better! :)  I didn't measure this week so that will have to wait until next Wednesday....when I haven't had mexican casserole courtesy of my mother. :)

Another milestone for the last week is that I ran 5 miles on Friday morning!  I am super proud of that and I am on schedule for the Dallas White Rock Half Marathon in December.  Although I have to run 6 miles for this weeks long run...whew...hope I can do it.  I can't believe that 12 weeks ago when Kyle and I ran for the first time and we did 2 miles...I ran about 100 yards at a time...and thought I might kill over. It has not been easy but it has certainly been worth it!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

OBU Blog About

This year Ouachita Baptist University is celebrating 125 years!  I was actually a little surprised that they have been around that many years.  Seems like a lifetime ago although I graduated in December, 1997....which was 14 years ago...but a lot has happened since then.  

OBU has asked those of us who blog to write about a given topic every Tuesday in September so today is my first OBU post.  

The topic for today is a favorite OBU memory....

I think one of my favorite OBU memories actually happened off-campus from OBU but with my small group of close friends that I met while at OBU.  My roommate, Jennifer, and I met at a spring "get to know OBU" kind of thing that they held for graduating seniors.  I'm sure it had a more technical name but I can't remember it now.  We were assigned to the same dorm room and became fast friends and we went requested each other as roommates and lived together until I married after my sophomore year.  She & I also became best of friends with a few other OBU girls....Jo Ellen Green Colvin, Shanda Fuller Lane & Holly Norton Smith.  We decided one weekend to go to this Bed & Breakfast type place for a fall weekend trip.  It was called Peace Valley and is very near to where I live now in Glenwood.  We had the best time...we attempted to sleep in these real teepees they had constructed on the grounds out in a pasture...till we got scared and came inside...we weren't a very brave group! LOL!  Then we stayed up half the night giggling, talking, taking pictures, just being girls and had the best time.  It was a wonderful weekend of bonding and "girl time!" 

That seems like a lifetime ago for sure.  Now we rarely see each other after having all moved off different directions & keep up via sporadic emails and of course...Facebook.  Holly is right now fighting for her life against cancer and we are all praying for her faithfully.  Please join me in prayer that she will get her miracle.  We have a God big enough to do that and He is already been showing his self in amazing ways through Holly & her husband Paul along with their 2 precious children.  

I often go through Arkadelphia and about once or twice a year I will make the loop through campus.  It is such a beautiful campus and has grown so much from the day I moved into Flippen-Perrin Hall. 

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Weigh In Week 11

I'm slowly but surely adjusting to the school routine.  I've managed to get in bed at an earlier hour and now I'm waking up before the 5:30 alarm most mornings so that is progress! 

I lost 1.6 pound this week to put me at 19 pounds exactly.  Can't wait to see 20 pounds!!  I still haven't made it to my 15 pound reward...a deluxe pedicure...and with running so much I am needing it so I plan on doing that soon.  I'm still thinking on that 20 pound reward...maybe I'll get a manicure with that pedicure if I'm at 20 by then! :)  

I have been noticing that whatever I weigh on Sunday morning is always exactly what I weigh on Wednesday morning even though I've had a few more days.  I don't really know why that is.  We eat out on Sunday nights usually and I did splurge this week and have a piece of homemade Italian Cream Cake....ohhhhh it was delicious, but otherwise I have stuck to my guidelines and not varied my eating.

  I had a small piece of cake compared to what I would've usually had but about 5 minutes after I ate it...HEADACHE!  I guess my body is so used to no sugar by now that anything more than a few bites, and especially something as rich as that cake, gives me a headache almost immediately.  That should be a deterrent for me to not cheat again...I'll have to give it more thought though. :)

Today, I'm exhausted from no sleep last night and didn't even work out this morning.  Carson is allergic to MSG like I am and a food we don't think should affect him will randomly make him very sick.  I cooked chicken quesadillas last night with seasoned fajita meat and within 2 hours he was sick.  Once he gets sick and gets rid of the food then he is okay but it just makes him feel awful.  So, he and I slept in the living room and all night I would startle awake thinking I heard him so not much sleep for me. He said he slept great though which is good.  Today, I looked up some of the foods that have made him sick like that and sure enough they all are considered HIGH MSG foods to avoid.  Lesson food at a time.  Being sensitive to MSG is linked to the type of migraines I have and Carson has already had several headaches we considered a migraine so I really hate it for him.  While reading about the foods today I found several on the list that I remember eating prior to a migraine...including today having a headache and not feeling well from the same fajita meat I I'm learning for both of us.

Well, hoping next week I am over that 20 pound mark!!  I have 35 more pounds to my goal...a size I haven't been since high school. Slowly but surely!

And whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him. 
Colossians 3:17 NKJV

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Weight Wednesday Week 10...on Thursday

I am not going to lie about it...this has been a super tough week. I have been tired, stressed and just a little overwhelmed. Work has been hectic, workouts are early and I have not slept well over the last 7 days.  That has all led me to really have to WORK at not eating things I shouldn't.  It has not been easy!

I hurt my arm before we left for the beach..or actually it was probably more a cumulative thing from push-ups the doctor said, but regardless it's been hurting and I tried to ignore it for a couple weeks and hope I would wake up one morning with no swelling or pain and that hasn't happened yet. I finally give up and went to the doctor on Monday and he said I have torn the tendon away from the bone near my wrist and that has caused the muscles it attaches to the bone to swell and it will take a while to heal. I'm wearing a brace at night on my wrist and supposed to wear one with any exercise that is weight bearing on the wrist and as many hours through the day as I can. I haven't been able to get the one to wear during the day and for exercise yet but I have been wearing the one you sleep in and I can't tell any difference yet but we'll see...possibly would help if I'd quit doing those pushups he specifically told me not to do.  Anyway,  thankfully nothing was broken because I do not want anything to interfere with my workouts right now.

As for my weight loss, after being pleasantly surprised to lose 1.6 pounds while on vacation, I was pleased as punch to weigh Wednesday morning and be down 2 more pounds!  I weighed on Sunday morning and was down exactly 18 pounds and 2.6 pounds since my last weight-in but on Wednesday morning I was up a little...something salty I ate probably...
and so I am at 17.4 pounds and 17.5 inches total for my week 10 weigh-in.

 I really wanted to be at 20 pounds by week 10 but I'm very pleased with my results. I've never lost this much weight without taking what I would call a short break and that would translate into gaining the weight back.  I'm very excited. So, now I am 36 pounds from my goal and it feels great! Seems like just last week I was at 7 pounds and feeling better but still thinking...
how am I ever going to lose 54 pounds?!

I am making my running calendar out today to train for the White Rock Half Marathon in December and I am nervous about it. I have done a half before....back in 2005 which seems like forever ago. Ultimately my goal is to run the Little Rock Marathon in March but I'm keeping that in the background right now and taking it one step at a time. After running the 5K at the Dam Night Run last month now I want to run a 10K next so we'll see how it goes.  Going to run a long run in the morning and see how far I can run for distance when I'm not worried about time.

I read a great quote today that really sums up what I've had to live by lately...

Self-discipline is the ability to make yourself do something you don't necessarily want to do, 
to get a result you would really like to have. 
Andy Andrews

I love that and I've had to put it into practice this past week. 

 Case in point....
At the end of a very long day at work on Wednesday seeing my speech kids and in every second a student wasn't in the room I was trying to do paperwork for 6 conferences on Thursday.  I ended up having to stay a little later to get done and then rush to the house to get Gracen and head to piano.  I really thought for a moment...I'm stressed, I'm tired...maybe I'll pick up a Sonic Blast and just read my book during piano today.  Problem is...a Sonic Blast is definitely NOT on my plan and since I had slept later that morning and not done my workout early...I really needed to run while Gracen was in piano. 

 So, I drove right on past Sonic, ran in the house and changed into running clothes, grabbed my ipod and she and I headed to piano. I dropped her off at her lesson and drove down to the Amity walking trail and ran till she called me to pick her up. It was hot and I was tired and sore from lunges on Tuesday...but 2.25 miles later...and I felt so much better about myself after I was done. I wasn't as cranky or tired as when I had walked out of the door at work and I wasn't beating myself up like I would have if I had retreated to the comfort food...
like an Oreo cookie sonic blast that I have done time after time on a stressful day...even if I was on a “diet.”

 So, I thanked the Lord for the strength to not take the easy way out that day and prayed that the next time the situation arises that I will make the right choice again. I hope so!

The Lord you God in your midst,
The Mighty One, will save;
He will rejoice over you with gladness,
He will quiet you with His love,
He will rejoice over you with singing.
Zephaniah 3:17 (NKJV)


Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Weight Wednesday Week 9

Last Tuesday evening I left for the beach and got home Saturday night a little after midnight so I didn't get to post for week 8 results.  I did weigh on Tuesday before I left and I was down 1.2 pounds for a total of 14 pounds. 

I was worried about being gone to the beach and staying on track & I did have a few small cheats (like a mini-blizzard from Dairy Queen 3 nights in a row...hey it's tiny...don't judge! LOL!) but I also stayed very active and did my workouts.  I was thrilled to be down 1.6 pounds and 1.5 inches this morning for a total of 15.6 pounds and 16.5 inches. Whew! 

I worked out with Kyle Monday and Tuesday before I left and then Wednesday I walked 2 miles on the beach and did a lot of playing in the pool with Gracen but didn't get a regular workout in so I tried to make up for it on Thursday & Friday.  Mom and I ran on the beach for about 2.5 miles both days and then we all walked to the pier down from our condo both mornings as well which was another 2 miles.  We ran down by the water and wore our running shoes, but the water was so rough and we ran in soaking wet shoes full of sand the entire time...and LOVED it! Since Gracen didn't have a friend to play with I didn't do a lot of laying out and reading, but that was good because we played games in the pool that kept me moving almost the entire day and made some good memories at the same time.  

I keep thinking for the amount I'm eating compared to what I used to have and eating no carbs...except for fruit & occasionally some yogurt...and working out 6 days a week..I should be losing more than what I am each week, but I know I am building muscle and losing body fat and am being more consistent and working harder than I ever have in my life so it will come off and I'm building habits I can live with every day of my life.  

I have set mini-goals with a reward for myself and so as soon as I get paid in a couple weeks I am going to have a "deluxe pedicure" for finally reaching 15 pounds. Gracen and I were getting a regular pedicure in Fayetteville when we were there for baseball in June and I had just finished my first week of training and so we discussed in the pedicure chairs that it was my reward for making it through the 1st week.  Then the lady kept trying to get me to get the deluxe pedicure...which was more money of course...and we both agreed that should be my 15 pound goal.  I'm looking forward to towels and a mask on my tired legs! :)

School starting back has led to 6 am workouts which means a 5:30, that has taken a little adjustment but I have found I actually don't mind that much.  I've been super tired because, well, school kicks my tail the first week anyway and I'm not used to getting in bed earlier but I'm adjusting.  I like having it done for the day and it helps keep me on track and not tempted when the day gets stressful and I'm tired and hungry...the worst times for me to want something sweet!

I crossed another 10 pound mark this week and I'm super excited about not plan on seeing that weight again Lord willing!!

I read this statement by Lysa TerKeurst in Made to Crave this week and loved it..."If the prop Satan used to bring down mankind was food, I do think this is an issue God cares about."

Self-control...something I have been working very hard on these last 9 weeks and pray for daily.

“…make every effort to add to your faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge; and to knowledge, self-control; and to self-control, perseverance…”
2 Peter 1:5a-6a (NIV)

6th Grade

I will post Wednesday night about my Week 8 weigh-in but tonight I wanted to do something a little different first.

Dear Carson & Gracen,

I can't believe you are starting 6th grade tomorrow.  It seems like just yesterday that we were packing up your supplies....crayons, glue sticks, pencils and scissors...all things necessary for a day in kindergarten.  This year we didn't even have a crayon or glue stick on the list for 6th grade and that kind of made me sad.

Last week you turned 12 and tomorrow you will start your last day at Kirby Elementary and I can't believe it.  You both have changed so much this summer and I am enjoying every minute of it...well, maybe I could live without those teenage attitudes...but let's not go there right now! :)  You both have grown so much this summer and are getting dangerously close to passing me up in height...& we all hope you do!

Despite all the changes I've seen this summer that make you more like a teenager, you both continue to have such great personalities and kind hearts.  You still hold my hand when we're walking in public and sit in my lap and hug and kiss me like you did when you were younger and I cherish every one of those hugs and kisses.

Carson, you are so outgoing and loving.  Time and again teachers and other adults have come to me or your dad and told us about how you did something that day at recess or in class to make sure that a classmate that was being left out or was "different" in some way was included in what you and your friends were playing.  That makes me so proud to be your momma and I pray that you will keep that kind spirit in you always.  Right now you want to be "busy" all the time.  There's no time for video games because you are always shooting on your nerf goal or playing "detective" on some random fact you want to check out on the computer...CIA Carson Smith! :)  You do not meet a stranger and can talk to an adult just as well as a friend your own age and that is such a good life skill to have.  I have loved watching you out in the yard lately with daddy working on shooting your bow.  You are such a perfectionist at mastering different skills...nothing frustrates you more than missing a shot or a ball in whatever sport you are playing.  I pray that you will always strive to do your best while remembering that you were given abilities & talents from God and use them to glorify Him all your life.  Our ultimate goal for you is not to play basketball for a team or be Valedictorian of your class, although those are all good things, but it's not what or who you are...our goal is for you to be all that God created you to be.  Here's a scripture for you Carson that I want you to always keep in mind. Love you, little buddy!

Be strong and of good courage, do not fear nor be afraid of them; for the Lord your God, He is the One who goes with you. He will not leave you nor forsake you. Deuteronomy 31:6

Gracen, you are so tenderhearted & you want to please everyone but yet you have such determination in you.  You are always wanting to buy little gifts for the special people in your life...friends & family both...that will mean something to them and that is so sweet.  You are so determined.  You always want to make that 100 on a test & are so detailed at everything you do and you manage to balance that with your sweet spirit.  Right now everything is "aaaamazing" and we laugh so much at all your little sayings you come up with.  You will sit for hours and write stories, draw and of course your famous yearbook copying!  You are becoming such a young lady and I pray that you will continue to be a hard worker but yet remember that the things we work to achieve and master in this life are nothing compared to pleasing our Lord who created you and loves you unconditionally even more than your daddy and I do...and that's so much you can't even imagine it.  God has a perfect plan for your life & is there to guide you through every decision and obstacle you face.  Friends may let you down, but God never will and your daddy and I will be here for you every step of the way.  I picked out a scripture for you, too, Gracen and it is written on everything these days, but it is just so true.  Love you, Sissy!

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11

Love you both more than words can say,

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Birthday Dinner

Headed to Lulu's for Gracen's Birthday dinner!
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Weight Wednesday Week 7

Whew after having a plateau week last week I was much relieved this morning to be down 1.6 pounds.  When my alarm went off this morning I had to remember why I had set it because I was sleeping soundly when it went off!  Once I came to my senses my stomach turned upside down when I remembered I had to weigh this morning. I was so relieved to see the loss.  

My mom and I ran the Dam Night Run in Arkadelphia on Saturday night & we finished in 37 minutes and ran all but a minute or 2 during the 3rd mile.  It was challenging but we averaged a 12:19 mile which is slow but we were proud of just finishing since we haven't ran a race in years and are both just back running.  One of our very best friends, Paige Cowart, ran super fast and came in 3rd in her age group!!  We saw several friends there and they all did great....Brooke Cowart, Brooke & Turner Vance and several others.  It's a hot race and a long process leading up to starting the race but it was that I forget I was about to pass out immediately after! LOL!

I am officially down 12.6 pounds and 15 inches.  I'm super excited and this is actually the most weight I have ever lost without falling off the wagon and I plan on staying on for the long hall...making this a lifestyle change and not just another diet.  

I'm going to be on a trip next Wednesday so I will weigh in on Tuesday morning before we leave that afternoon.  Can't wait to go with my mom, Gracen, Paige & Penny to Orange Beach for some much needed girl time! This will be our 2nd year to go & we are counting down the days.  Gracen is at the age where she occupies herself and she loves going.  She & Carson will turn 12 on that Wednesday so we'll celebrate her birthday at the beach while Carson gets treated at home by Daddy to what he wants to do & they go to a Rangers game in a couple weeks for their "guy trip." 

When we get back on Saturday night I will be less than 48 hours away from a new school year already!!  Yikes!  I'm always glad to get back into the routine of school & see all my co-workers I've missed over the summer...& even some of these little kiddos I see for speech. :)  I'm nervous already about my workouts & school but Kyle assured me today we will make it work so I'm ready.  

Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us. 
Romans 8:37

Monday, August 1, 2011

Hogan found a cooler spot to nap in. He's all squished in there where the ground was wet from the water hose.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

______________ Thursday Week 6

Well, I'm not thicker thankfully and despite my use of a thesaurus I could not find a "th" word that was suitable. Anyway, I didn't lose anything this week...but on the upside thankfully I didn't gain anything either.  Obviously eating out every meal for a week in addition to working out on my own for 7 days without Kyle there pushing me resulted in no weight loss.  I was down 1.5 inches so not a total lack of progress but of course the scale going down is ideal! 

Now that I'm home, we're working out Wednesday, Thursday & Friday this week to get back on my 3 day schedule and needless to say I'm a little tired tonight...& sore!  Starting week 7 of training with Kyle this week and excited about the coming weeks! To add to that I have committed to run the Dam Night Run at Lake DeGray Saturday night and the last time I ran it...which was about 6 years ago when mom and I were training for a half marathon...I swore I would never do it again because it was reallllyyyy hot!  Looks like Saturday night may be the same so say a prayer for me! LOL!  

Actually while I was in Branson and I had that scoop of ice cream and a piece of french toast...well, I found that I felt bad after I ate it and regretted eating the sugar the whole day.  Matter of fact, though both of the "cheat" foods I ate were good....and both are on my list of favorite foods for that matter...after I ate both I thought about it later and realized that neither one was worth how much I regretted eating them.  As the saying goes...nothing tastes as good as looking good feels.  Trying on and being able to buy 2 sizes smaller after the last 6 weeks of hard work really did feel better than eating that sugar.  Hope I can remember that the next time the choice comes up...because I know it will. 

My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness. Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me.  That is why, for Christ's sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties.  
For when I am weak, then I am strong.
2 Corinthians 12:9-10 (NIV)

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Weight Wednesday Week 6...coming soon!

Well, I won't be posting my latest progress until tomorrow this I guess I'll have to call it Thankful Thursday if I am down & if I'm not....well maybe we'll call it Thicker Thursday...but I sure hope not!

It has been a crazy last seven days.  I went to Dallas on Wed morn and arrived home at 11:30 on Thursday night.  Friday morning I woke up early so I could get in a workout on my own & then packed and headed to Searcy for Carson's Big State All-Star Tnmt.  We played Friday night & lost big to Nashville, won over Hope on Saturday morning and then lost Saturday night to Searcy.  We actually played well and winning a single game in Big State is usually doing well for our small town team.

After getting beat Saturday night we spent the night in Searcy and had a great night of fellowship with the other parents and kids.  On Sunday morning we decided to go on to Branson for a couple days of family vacation and we had a blast!  We did a little shopping, played lazer tag...which is one of my favorite things now and quite the workout actually...and 2 trips to the Water Chute which is always fun.  We counted about 90-100 steps to the top and the kids insist on running back to the top so Carson pretended to be Kyle and kept me going to get in my workout for the day since I didn't have treadmill time that morning.  I did get my hour in while I was gone though I did have some ice cream one day and I had my favorite French Toast at the Belgian Waffle on Tuesday morning before the water slide.  Hopefully I burned off the piece I had...and I know I saved a ton of calories since I usually have the adult order and this time I had the kids order and split it with Marty!

Tuesday was mine and Marty's 15th Anniversary and we had a great family day to celebrate! I have been blessed beyond measure for the last 15 years.  Marty & I went on our first date on December 31, 1995 after we were set up by my brother & his coach who was Marty's best friend.  A few months later he proposed over Spring Break and we set the date for our wedding on July 26, 1996.  After a couple of years of infertility treatments & while I was in graduate school we decided to go forward with IVF and were so blessed & shocked to find out we were having twins!  We've barely had time to turn around and now they are turning 12 on August 10th.  It is hard to believe how fast time has passed.  I can't wait to see what the next 15 years have in store for us...though the thought of my kids being 27 freaks me out a little!

I'll post tomorrow on my weekly results....hope it's good!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Weight Wednesday-Week 5

I'm on the road today so I will make this short & sweet. I'm headed to Dallas with a group of my best friends that we take every year. Lots of talking, shopping...and more shopping!

I lost 1.6 pounds again this week to make 11.2 pounds so far. So far I'm averaging 2.25 pounds per week. I lost 2 1/4 inches this wk.

I'm going to be traveling for a couple days then home long enough to prepare for a weekend of baseball so getting all my exercise in is going to be a challenge so that makes me very nervous! I only was able to do 2 with Kyle this week so I am actually missing my workout this morn...never thought that would happen!

My biggest struggle this week has been focusing on 1 week at a time & not the big picture of how much I still have to lose. That's had me a little down this week but I'm trying to redirect that energy into working even harder, but it's a daily challenge I have to admit.

"Ideals may tell us something important about what we would like to be. But compromises tell us who we are." -Avishai Margalit
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Monday, July 18, 2011

SMART goal

I love all the weight loss shows...I've watched them for years on my couch while I attempted another diet plan...and sometimes while eating ice cream.  A new show this year that I've been watching is Extreme Makeover Weight Loss Edition.  It's different from Biggest Loser because the person goes from 400 plus pounds to whatever they can get to in 365 days which is usually losing half their body weight and it's all in one episode.  

Chris Powell is the show's trainer and I follow his blog and he wrote an article a couple weeks ago about writing down your goal using a SMART acrostic: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Time Sensitive.  I liked the idea of that and since I neglected to put my answers down on paper to the questions that Kyle gave me at my 1st session with him...and now I know I should have...sorry Kyle...I decided to do it now on here. 

My SMART goal is:

I will lose 54 pounds by exercising 6 days a week for one hour per day & following my diet plan.  I will start 2012 at my goal weight instead of making another resolution to lose weight. 

So there it is.  I started this journey on June 16th at my 1st workout which was 32 days ago.  And as Carson pointed out far so good.  As I was making my chicken salad for lunch and cutting up fruit he said, "Mom, you know this is the longest you have ever stuck with a diet.  Usually it only lasts a few days or a week." He was being sincere and I realized he's right.  Longest diet I ever stuck with before was 30 days in recent memory.  Woohoo!  

"Thoughts become words, words become actions, actions become habits, habits become character, character becomes destiny." 
-- unknown author

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Weight Wednesday Week 4

Been a long week already so this is going to be a little short.  I feel like summer is slipping away so quickly and that makes me super sad, but I can't stop time so school will start whether I'm ready or not!

The store my mom & I have opened, Lulu's Gifts & More, is doing great which means it is taking up lots of time I normally would have free.  Between making sure I get in my workouts and Carson still playing baseball...I have had very few, if any, days to just be lazy...and I love those kinds of days periodically!

This week I lost 1.8 pounds for a total of 9.6 pounds. I really wanted to be at 10 pounds this wk but it didn't happen.  I did lose 3 inches this week for a total of 10.25 inches total so far!  I was barely fitting into the size I wore...and not everything in that size actually...and now I'm wearing a size smaller so I'm super motivated by that!

This week I have really struggled with eating every 3 hours like I'm supposed to do.  It's been the hardest week so far with that and that leads to me craving things I can not have...but I've managed to avoid them all so far.  It has not been easy and being accountable for a Wednesday addition to Kyle asking me...keeps me from giving in when everyone around me is eating all my favorite foods! :)  

So these are my inches lost so far:
Left arm   -0.75 
Right arm   -0.75 
Chest   -1.75
Waist   -3.5
Hips   -1.25
Thighs   -2.0
Calves   -0.25

So, now that this has been longer than I said it would be...I better end this. 

The scale can measure the weight of my body, but never my worth as a woman. 
Lysa TerKeurst from Made to Crave

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Weight Wednesday Week 3

It seems like it's been a lot longer than three weeks since I started training with Kyle and really getting serious about losing some weight but it will be 3 weeks tomorrow since my first workout.  Tomorrow will be my 10th workout and I can already tell I am stronger, faster (although I'm still so super slow lol!) and have learned a new definition for working hard. I would never, ever, EVER push myself to work as hard as Kyle pushes me.  It has made me feel I am capable of much more than I ever thought possible.  I'm thinking if I feel this much better after 10 workouts...well, I wonder what I will feel like after 20! 

I lost one pound this week and though it doesn't seem like much, I started measuring last Wednesday and I was down 4 1/2 inches one week!  Woohoo!  I've lost 1 inch off my waist just this week so I'm super excited about that.  I, of course, want to see the scale go down but I wore a dress to church Sunday that didn't fit a couple weeks I'm much encouraged! I've lost 8 pounds total in 21 days. I have a ways to go but I know I'm on the right track.

I got a devotional from my friend Robyn today (she blogs here ) and it talked about how we often neglect to take care of the bodies that God has given us.  You can read the entire devotional here but in it he talks about how we as Christians would be angered to hear that someone vandalized our church but yet is our body that God gave us any less sacred?  

We let our bodies be weighed down by fat, pollute our lungs, abuse our bodies with stress & exhaustion...and believe because it's our body that we have the "right" to do so.  A quote from the devotional says, He has fashioned these earthen vessels to serve Him and carry out the work He’s planned for us to accomplish. God created us with a mind, body, and spirit—of the three aspects, the body is the one that allows us to interact with our environment. People cannot reach their full potential while neglecting the proper care of their bodies. What good are education, talent, and gifts if we’re too tired or sick to complete tasks well?

It goes on to say, Here in the world, we can do nothing apart from our physical body. Since it is the only one we’ll have in this life, we should do our best to keep it in good condition. Believers should also recognize their responsibility to treat the earthly frame like the sacred and special dwelling place that it is.

Interesting way of looking at taking care of our bodies isn't it?  I've certainly never given it any thought in this way. Hmmm...another "aha" moment for me perhaps!

Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own? For you were bought at a price; therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God’s.
I Corinthians 6:19-20 NKJV

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Weight Wednesday Week 2

Can't believe it has been a week since I updated but time always seems to pass so fast in the summer!  I have had a good week all around.  I've worked my school hours I'm working this summer doing speech, managed to get all 6 days of workouts in & mom and I have been working like crazy getting our gift shop set up and ready for our open house tomorrow.  I have been on my feet all surely I am burning some extra calories. 

This morning when my alarm started beeping at 7 am so I could get my hour in on the treadmill before I headed to work I had to make myself get on out of the bed and not hit snooze for an hour.  I got on up and feel so much better knowing my hour is done because I have a busy day that includes some much needed pool time. Woohoo! 

I am definitely feeling the effects of all the constant activity and my body is whining and aching today from my workout with Kyle yesterday.  Whew...he kicked my tail....but I feel great dosed up on ibuprofen! LOL!

So I am officially down 7 pounds as of today.  I was down 2.2 more pounds on Sunday, back up 2 on Tuesday and back down 1.8 this morning for my official Wednesday weigh-in. I feel like I should have lost more this week since I know I didn't cheat on my diet at all & worked out like I have never exercised before but I know my body has gotten smaller and I can already tell a big difference.  My clothes are fitting better and I feel the muscle I am building excited! I feel better mentally, physically (except that aching part), emotionally and spiritually this week.

My biggest challenge this week was getting a full hour in on the days I don't workout with Kyle.  I did it but time passes much more slowly doing an hour on my own than when I workout with him and I don't even have to think...just follow directions...which is still hard to do sometimes when I'm huffing and puffing & my head is a little fuzzy! I'm sure he loves having to explain what I'm supposed to do twice every time.  I am so thankful that I sought help with this and am following through even when I don't always feel like it...cause my family tortures me with some of the things they've been cream, pancakes, cookies....all carbs and NOT on my plan! I loaded an hour long playlist on my ipod and have to remind myself NOT to sing out loud going down the road and it is getting me through it so far!

I love this "Thought for the Day" from Made to Crave by Lysa TerKeurst. "Eating in its proper context is not the problem. God gave us food for nourishment, strength, and even celebration. But when pleasure becomes unrestrained, there’s a problem."

 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. 
Psalm 139:14  

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Weight Wednesday

Last Monday afternoon I met with my new trainer, Kyle Hecke, and we discussed my plan for losing weight & getting into the best shape of my life.  We'll be working out 3 days a week and then I'll do 3 days on my own.  

We worked out on Thursday & Friday before we headed to Fayetteville for 4 days and I was sore but feeling so much better about myself after just two days of working out.  He's had me cut out weakness for sure...and stick to the South Beach Diet along with eating fruit...and eating every 3 hours.  I've actually had more trouble so far with making sure to eat every 3 hours.  It's not that I haven't been hungry at that time because I am but my schedule has been so crazy and planning ahead to have something I can have has been difficult for me but I'm going to get better at it!  

My plan is to weigh-in on Wednesdays for a weekly total and blog about how I'm feeling, how I'm doing, my struggles and accomplishments for the week.  I've added a ticker at the bottom from where I am tracking my food, exercise and weight loss.  It won't show a loss for a few days because I just started using the ticker and had to put in my starting weight so I'll update it as I go along. of this morning after 7 days....I'm down 4.8 pounds!  I am not posting my weight at this point because...well I'm a girl and I'm embarrassed...but let's just say I went below the 1_0's that I hope to never seen again! :)

I like this scripture quoted by Lysa TerKeurst in "Made to Crave." (For more info on Made to Crave Bible study.  Go to

"Do not destroy the work of God for the sake of food" Romans 14:20a

Friday, June 17, 2011

Weight Wednesday

I'm a big fan of The Biggest Loser show. I'm amazed at how these people start the show feeling unworthy, ashamed, neglected, unhappy...all for different reasons...and some are seemingly transformed into confident, assertive, happier people by the end of the show...not to mention they look like different people.

Maybe I really identify with these people because I have been on a "diet" as far back as I can remember. Some seasons have been better than others but this last season was my favorite so far. Gracen & I just loved watching Hannah & Olivia transform themselves with the help of the Biggest Loser team.
When it came finale time I had been really feeling just depressed really with my weight, my body & my inability to stick to my workout/eating plan. As I watched one thing Hannah said really spoke to me. When asked a question about what she learned on the show she said..and I'm paraphrasing her...that she had to admit she needed help & be willing to accept it. I am definitely an "I should be able to do this on my own" kind of girl. Asking for help is not something that comes natural to me. that was an "Aha moment" for me.

Around the same time as the finale, I was reading "Made to Crave" by Lysa TerKuerst. It's a great book & it talks about how we were made to crave by God...but He is what we were meant to crave at all times & we so often (usually) fill that void with food. When a crisis strikes, a bad day happens, something frustrates us...could be little or big events & even happy events...we (I) turn to food first, God second. 
Wow...that was an "Aha moment" again!

But, as I read in her book to my surprise she also sought help. She prayed first & the spiritual transformation was a process but she didn't just pray away her weight...not to minimize the importance of that but she also sought help...a dietitian & began working out.

Through both of these "aha moments" I began to feel God nudging me...ask for & accept help with the details of what I needed to do to transform my life physically...and look to 
Him first & get the order right...God first, food...well maybe not 2nd but certainly not 1st!

So I talked it over with Marty after a Facebook friend posted about her trainer & how great she was doing. It was truly a series of events over a couple months that led me to make the call & ask for help. I was embarrassed to even make the call but it just felt like the right thing to I did...and now I'm one week into training with him & I already feel that fog I was in lifting. If I can keep myself from stressing the money I'm spending...I know I can do this. 
I'm not even saying I "hope" I can.

A quote I read on a blog this week says it all...

"What lies ahead of you is not as great as the Power behind you."

I know my Savior has my back & I'm working on filling my cravings with Him! 

Updates to come on my adventure through this process next Wednesday.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Sunday, June 5, 2011

5th grade

The kids had their end of the year awards assembly last Friday. It's their last awards assembly because 6th grade will be a graduation so I was kind of sad. They both earned a couple subject awards & all A's. Carson received Best Effort which made me very proud of him. I worry as a 5th grade boy he'll start slacking off but so far so good! Gracen received the Conduct Award which we were very proud of as well!
Praying daily that they grow up to always keep God first & be well-behaved kids. Now we're ready for summer!!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

What a week...

Well, on Thursday evening the kids and I loaded up and headed to Blytheville with our bags packed planning to return home on Saturday after the game. Marty was already there with the team a few hours ahead of us. Of course there has been tragic flooding in that part of the state so the least little bit of rain made the field too wet to play...and yes it rained. So our Friday afternoon was rescheduled for Saturday @ 2:30...and then for 7:30...and so to the field we went and took in-field...and then the lights went out. So they called Entergy and at 10:30 with the lights still not working, Marty & the opposing coach from Southside Bee Branch decided we couldn't start that late and so they rescheduled for Monday night @ 5:30.

Sunday we had a free day so we loaded the baseball boys and some parents up and rode the bus to Memphis to watch the Redbirds, a Triple A team for the Cardinals, and then a player's parents took us all to Joe's Crab Shack for dinner. We had a nice day with the boys and I think they really enjoyed the outing after all the waiting around we'd been doing.

On Monday we finally were able to play our first game...and we won against Southside Bee Branch! Played again Tuesday...and we won against Norfork...sending us to the Final Four! Woohoo! On Wednesday @ 2:30 we played the Viola Longhorns in the semifinals and we lost 11-1.

It is always so sad for the seniors and it really makes our entire family sad when basketball or baseball comes to an end for another group of seniors. My kids cry, I cry, the parents cry, the boys cry, the coaches's just a sad ending...and one we repeat year after year after year.

If the players Marty had on his team were turds (our family word we use for kids who do not behave) then we would be glad to see the year end for each sport...but that's just not the case. Marty is so blessed to have year after year a group of boys that are just good kids. It's rare these days and I believe his discipline for his team makes kids who could easily go either way into fine young men. We love each and every player and it is so hard to see them graduate every year. But, we do it again next year and Marty gives his all to coach them in basketball and baseball knowing that unless we win state every year...we end every season with a loss...and tears...and our entire family is emotionally and physically exhausted by the end of the season...but we are fired up to do it again by October when the ball is throw up at center court and in March when the umpire yells "play ball!"

"Teach the older men to be temperate, worthy of respect, self-controlled, and sound in faith, in love and in endurance." Titus 2:2