I love all the weight loss shows...I've watched them for years on my couch while I attempted another diet plan...and sometimes while eating ice cream. A new show this year that I've been watching is Extreme Makeover Weight Loss Edition. It's different from Biggest Loser because the person goes from 400 plus pounds to whatever they can get to in 365 days which is usually losing half their body weight and it's all in one episode.
Chris Powell is the show's trainer and I follow his blog and he wrote an article a couple weeks ago about writing down your goal using a SMART acrostic: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Time Sensitive. I liked the idea of that and since I neglected to put my answers down on paper to the questions that Kyle gave me at my 1st session with him...and now I know I should have...sorry Kyle...I decided to do it now on here.
My SMART goal is:
I will lose 54 pounds by exercising 6 days a week for one hour per day & following my diet plan. I will start 2012 at my goal weight instead of making another resolution to lose weight.
So there it is. I started this journey on June 16th at my 1st workout which was 32 days ago. And as Carson pointed out today...so far so good. As I was making my chicken salad for lunch and cutting up fruit he said, "Mom, you know this is the longest you have ever stuck with a diet. Usually it only lasts a few days or a week." He was being sincere and I realized he's right. Longest diet I ever stuck with before was 30 days in recent memory. Woohoo!
"Thoughts become words, words become actions, actions become habits, habits become character, character becomes destiny."
-- unknown author
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