Thursday, September 29, 2011

Weigh-In Wednesday Week 15..a little late

I'm late posting this week once again, but Wednesday's are just a very busy day.  By the time I get to sit down at the end of the day I am too tired for blogging.  

There have been some positives and some negatives this past week.  

My back is still a struggle, although I'm doing my stretches and trying to pay attention to NOT do the things that aggravate it, so hopefully it will keep improving. 

 A big positive is that I ran 7 miles on Saturday!! Woot woot!
  I should say I struggled through 7 miles on Saturday.  Wow, it was hard, I'm not going to pretend it wasn't. 
 I barely made it to my front door and collapsed on my front steps.  The kids came out because the dogs were barking at me and all I could say was...WATER!  
Gracen even gave me a lecture on how I should be taking my phone so I could call if I passed out...yeah, I looked that red and tired!  I ran 4 last night and worked out this morning by running a quick interval mile and then some weights on my own because Kyle was sick so our workout was cancelled.  I was already up and at the highway when I glanced and saw his text so I went back home and though I wanted to go back to bed...I worked out. I have a rest day tomorrow and then 8 miles on Saturday.  Can't say I'm looking forward to it but hopefully I will be able to finish it without collapsing!

I lost 1 pound this week for a total of 24.2 pounds.  I keep getting frustrated with these 1's the last few weeks, but when I measured this morning I had lost 3 1/4 inches this week so I was super excited about that!  I could tell this week that even clothes I wore the week before were quite a bit bigger so I thought I was losing inches even though the scale wasn't showing as much of a loss.  Just in the last couple weeks I have been able to tell a big difference in my muscles. Carson laughs at me for saying I have a muscle in my arm but now he's starting to get impressed I'm actually getting one for real. 

I've lost a total of 23 inches and 6.25 of that is off my waist! Yippee! 
 I finally passed another 10 pound .2 but below it! 
I was going to wait until 25 pounds to go buy new jeans but thankfully I'm going to have to soon.  I have nothing in my closet at this point that isn't baggy...such a good feeling...a lot better than that sugar IV I had going just 15 short weeks ago. 

Last night when I headed out to run I was in an aggravated mood.  You know it was one of those things that someone tells you about something happening and then you are so mad about it that you know you aren't going to calm down anytime soon?!  Marty and the kids were gone to put out deer corn so I laced up my tennis shoes, turned on my ipod and started running.  

At first, I thought of nothing but rehashing what I thought and felt and how mad I was and then "I'd Need a Savior" by Among the Thirsty came up on my playlist...and I told myself...stop griping and thinking...and listen.  

So I did.  
And I just kept running and listening....

"....I lift up my life 
Cause you're always the same 
And my offering
 To you I bring
Your name is Jesus
Your name is Jesus
You're the wonderful, counselor, my friend
Your what I hold on to
I know that you brought me through
all the days of loss to the cross
You knew
That I'd need a Savior. 

That is such an amazing song....amazing doesn't do it justice actually.  It's one of my absolute favorites. Praising  the Lord can take those worries and stresses and lift them right off my shoulders.

Over these last few weeks there have been so many losses in our community that do not make sense...
the tragic death of a 2 yr old little girl who reportedly died from abuse, 
21 yr old Chris Palmer who was a former Kirby student/player of Marty's was murdered a little over a week ago, 
and just Tuesday night the loss of a well-known Kirby man who was loved by so many in our community and was a beloved grandfather to his grandkids who attend Kirby as well.  
All were deaths that just don't make sense and leave many of us wondering why?  None of these families had time to prepare themselves for what was coming.

But isn't it comforting to know that Jesus is that Wonderful, Counselor, My Friend that we can hold on to when the world doesn't really make sense.  There's no one like Him.

O Lord, our Lord, How excellent is Your name in all the earth, Who have set your glory above the heavens!
Psalm 8:1

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Weigh In Wednesday Week 14

My back is better! Woohoo!  Chiropractor along with some stretches that the PT showed me and I'm feeling better.  Praise the Lord!

I've had a blah week otherwise though...that doesn't sound great following my woohoo does it?!
It's true though.  I've been super tired for some reason and that makes me really crave things I shouldn't eat.  Even more so this week than the last couple....and I thought those were hard.
  I think I definitely need to get in bed earlier but my schedule hasn't allowed that lately and with basketball just around the won't happen anytime in the next 9 months.  Mom and I have a booth at the Pike County Fair this week for our shop, Lulu's, so we've been even busier than normal and no time for cooking.  I have still managed to do pretty well eating out but I never feel as good about what I eat.  And I definitely had bites of things here and there that I shouldn't have.

I lost 1.2 pounds & 1 inch this week to make a total of 23.2 pounds and 20 inches total.  Honestly, I'm not real happy with 1.2 pounds and last week's 1 pound, so my goal for the next week is to really be diligent about what I am eating & getting all of my exercise on my own completed.  I have to do it in the mornings or it just doesn't get done and this week a couple of mornings already I hit snooze and planned to fit it in later...and it didn't happen so I have got to make sure I get it done early no matter how tired I am.  If I could just quit my job it sure would simplify things! LOL!  Since that's not happening, I will be getting super strict with myself.  I think since school started back that I'm less active & more tired which is not a good combination for weight loss.  Also, my body just likes the weight I'm at right now.  I was within a few pounds of this weight for many, many years, but I want to be smaller of course so that means fighting through my body wanting to stay where it is. 

I am 1 pound away from kissing another 10 pound mark goodbye and I can't wait!! 
 I am 30.8 pounds away from my goal so by crossing that 10 pound mark I will also be below 30 to go...which is so exciting to me!  Hopefully that will help keep me motivated.
I am supposed to run 7 miles on Saturday.
Hope I can cross all 3 of those off my list by next Wednesday. 

I ran 6 miles on Saturday and besides being pretty sore by Sunday afternoon...I felt great about it!  The weather was gorgeous and Saturday is looking pretty as well so I'm up for the challenge!

Read a status of a friend this week that I thought was a really good quote...

You don't need help because you are weak.  You need help because you have somewhere to go.  If you can get there on your own, you aren't going far enough.
Dan Rockwell

But He said, "The things which are impossible with men are possible with God."
Luke 18:27

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Weigh in Wednesday week 13

Well, it's been a long week with back pain, lots of Aleve & finally after a chiropractor visit today...hopefully I'm on the mend...but not sure yet.

I lost 1 pound today to make 22 pounds total. I was worried about weighing today because I didn't get to exercise Thurs to Sunday. Hoping tomorrow I'm even more improved!

All for now...I'm having to type this on my phone.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Weigh In Wednesday Week 12

This will be super short because I am super tired today.  I have not slept well this week at all and we worked out Mon, Tues & Wed this week and 3 days of 5:30 wake up added to not sleeping well has me..well, cranky! :)

So I did not weigh this morning because I feel that really a word....but anyway, I had mexican food last night and though I mostly stuck to what I should eat...mostly...I feel so puffy today.  Since I refused to weigh this morning and see I was up due to water weight, I am going with my weight on Sunday morning.  It's usually my lowest of the week anyway so hopefully that's true this week.

I lost 2 pounds this week & I'm great with that!  That puts me at -21 pounds!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I am so glad to see 20 pounds officially gone...and 21 is even better! :)  I didn't measure this week so that will have to wait until next Wednesday....when I haven't had mexican casserole courtesy of my mother. :)

Another milestone for the last week is that I ran 5 miles on Friday morning!  I am super proud of that and I am on schedule for the Dallas White Rock Half Marathon in December.  Although I have to run 6 miles for this weeks long run...whew...hope I can do it.  I can't believe that 12 weeks ago when Kyle and I ran for the first time and we did 2 miles...I ran about 100 yards at a time...and thought I might kill over. It has not been easy but it has certainly been worth it!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

OBU Blog About

This year Ouachita Baptist University is celebrating 125 years!  I was actually a little surprised that they have been around that many years.  Seems like a lifetime ago although I graduated in December, 1997....which was 14 years ago...but a lot has happened since then.  

OBU has asked those of us who blog to write about a given topic every Tuesday in September so today is my first OBU post.  

The topic for today is a favorite OBU memory....

I think one of my favorite OBU memories actually happened off-campus from OBU but with my small group of close friends that I met while at OBU.  My roommate, Jennifer, and I met at a spring "get to know OBU" kind of thing that they held for graduating seniors.  I'm sure it had a more technical name but I can't remember it now.  We were assigned to the same dorm room and became fast friends and we went requested each other as roommates and lived together until I married after my sophomore year.  She & I also became best of friends with a few other OBU girls....Jo Ellen Green Colvin, Shanda Fuller Lane & Holly Norton Smith.  We decided one weekend to go to this Bed & Breakfast type place for a fall weekend trip.  It was called Peace Valley and is very near to where I live now in Glenwood.  We had the best time...we attempted to sleep in these real teepees they had constructed on the grounds out in a pasture...till we got scared and came inside...we weren't a very brave group! LOL!  Then we stayed up half the night giggling, talking, taking pictures, just being girls and had the best time.  It was a wonderful weekend of bonding and "girl time!" 

That seems like a lifetime ago for sure.  Now we rarely see each other after having all moved off different directions & keep up via sporadic emails and of course...Facebook.  Holly is right now fighting for her life against cancer and we are all praying for her faithfully.  Please join me in prayer that she will get her miracle.  We have a God big enough to do that and He is already been showing his self in amazing ways through Holly & her husband Paul along with their 2 precious children.  

I often go through Arkadelphia and about once or twice a year I will make the loop through campus.  It is such a beautiful campus and has grown so much from the day I moved into Flippen-Perrin Hall.