I'm slowly but surely adjusting to the school routine. I've managed to get in bed at an earlier hour and now I'm waking up before the 5:30 alarm most mornings so that is progress!
I lost 1.6 pound this week to put me at 19 pounds exactly. Can't wait to see 20 pounds!! I still haven't made it to my 15 pound reward...a deluxe pedicure...and with running so much I am needing it so I plan on doing that soon. I'm still thinking on that 20 pound reward...maybe I'll get a manicure with that pedicure if I'm at 20 by then! :)
I have been noticing that whatever I weigh on Sunday morning is always exactly what I weigh on Wednesday morning even though I've had a few more days. I don't really know why that is. We eat out on Sunday nights usually and I did splurge this week and have a piece of homemade Italian Cream Cake....ohhhhh it was delicious, but otherwise I have stuck to my guidelines and not varied my eating.
I had a small piece of cake compared to what I would've usually had but about 5 minutes after I ate it...HEADACHE! I guess my body is so used to no sugar by now that anything more than a few bites, and especially something as rich as that cake, gives me a headache almost immediately. That should be a deterrent for me to not cheat again...I'll have to give it more thought though. :)
Today, I'm exhausted from no sleep last night and didn't even work out this morning. Carson is allergic to MSG like I am and a food we don't think should affect him will randomly make him very sick. I cooked chicken quesadillas last night with seasoned fajita meat and within 2 hours he was sick. Once he gets sick and gets rid of the food then he is okay but it just makes him feel awful. So, he and I slept in the living room and all night I would startle awake thinking I heard him so not much sleep for me. He said he slept great though which is good. Today, I looked up some of the foods that have made him sick like that and sure enough they all are considered HIGH MSG foods to avoid. Lesson learned...one food at a time. Being sensitive to MSG is linked to the type of migraines I have and Carson has already had several headaches we considered a migraine so I really hate it for him. While reading about the foods today I found several on the list that I remember eating prior to a migraine...including today having a headache and not feeling well from the same fajita meat I guess...so I'm learning for both of us.
Well, hoping next week I am over that 20 pound mark!! I have 35 more pounds to my goal...a size I haven't been since high school. Slowly but surely!
And whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him.
Colossians 3:17 NKJV