Well, I've been so busy that I haven't had much time for blogging lately. I've not even been on the computer at home very much the last few weeks. So, this is going to be a little of this and a little of that....
Carson has been catching and pitching in his ballgames and he loves it. He is doing really well and having a blast! We were rained out tonight in the start of the 2
nd inning. We were so far ahead already that they forfeited to us to keep from making the game up. They were a really young team.
Gracen has been pitching, too, and she likes it but puts a lot of pressure on herself. I get so nervous for her. She is doing really well especially considering she hasn't had much pitching coaching and fast pitch is so different, but of course she still walks some batters and she hates that!
Carson worked the
concession stand with me tonight for a while and I could not believe how he could add up the money for the orders and make their change. I was blown away that he could do it. I am telling you that teenagers working registers can't count me back my change the way he was tonight.
On Thursday night, we had to talk to Carson about his tournament team and that he was not going to be allowed to play this last Sunday if the team ended up playing Sun. afternoon. He was questioning why and saying that certain friends went to church but they were still going and so I sat down and told him about being a witness for others and letting others see Jesus in you by making the choice to be at church. I told him that Marty's dad didn't let him practice or play on Wednesdays or Sundays and what did he play in college...baseball! Did he think daddy turned out to be a good person...of course! Did his dad's decision for daddy not to play during church keep him from being a good ball player? He thought a minute and said, "Apparently not." It was so cute. He smiled and looked up and said, "Mom, are you through with your sermon?" I just about fell out laughing! When Marty got home I told him about our discussion and he talked with Carson a little more about God giving him his talent and athletic ability and He could take it away or not bless our family if we choose what we know is the wrong thing to do by not going to church because of a ballgame. Carson agreed that the right thing to do is go to church so he was good with all that we had discussed. It was so cute and though he may question it again later, I don't think it will be a problem. I think he really understood. Now, will he always like it, probably not but I know in his heart he believes the right thing to do is be in church not on the field.
Well, I could go on and on with stories because we've been so busy. I hope to have time to upload some pics from our Mid-America field trip we went to on Friday soon.
All for now!
God bless,